Brownfield land register

We have prepared a Brownfield Land Register, listing sites in the borough that are suitable for and available for residential development.

Local planning authorities are required to prepare brownfield land registers by the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017. Further background on the purpose of these registers is available from the Government's planning practice guidance.

View the Wandsworth Brownfield Land Register

The register is also available to download as:

The register data is provided under the Open Government Licence.

How sites are selected

Sites have been included in the register that are:

  • At least 0.25 hectares or capable of supporting at least 5 additional dwellings
  • Suitable and available for residential development, and
  • Likely to be developed within 15 years 

The sites have been selected based on existing planning permission information and on site-specific allocations in the Local Plan.

What it means if a site is included on the register

The register is in two parts. Sites in Part 1 are all those listed in the register.

Sites can also be entered in Part 2 of the register, if they have been granted permission in principle for the development described in the register, following the public notification and consultation requirements for this set out in the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017.

We do not currently have any sites in Part 2 of its register.

More information

If you have any queries or comments on the Brownfield Land Register, please contact Planning Policy:
