Property auctions

We occasionally sell properties at auction. If so, the property will probably be referred to one of the following auctioneers.
Contact them directly to ask for a catalogue or about arrangements to view a property.
Barnard Marcus
Telephone: 020 8741 8088
Contact: Brian Grante
Visit: Barnard Marcus website
Savills Sloane Street
Telephone: 020 7824 9053
Contact: Robin Howeson
Visit: Savills website
Telephone: 020 7703 4401
Contact: Joel Ferree
Visit: BidX1 website
Current properties for auction
Properties referred to auction are listed on the auctioneers’ websites.
Offers cannot be submitted before the auction – the sale takes place at the auction itself. This is so everyone has a chance to bid.
Enquiries about particular properties must be submitted to the auctioneers and not to us.
You should take independent advice before proceeding with your purchase. Your home is at risk if you fail to keep up payments on a mortgage or any other loan secured upon it.
Misrepresentation Act 1967
Wandsworth Borough Council hereby gives notice that:
- These particulars do not constitute, nor constitute any part of, an offer or contract.
- All statements contained herein are made without responsibility on the part of the Council or its officers.
- None of the statements contained herein are to be relied upon as statements or representations of fact.
- Any intending purchaser must satisfy themselves as to the correctness of all statements contained herein.
- Neither Wandsworth Borough Council, nor any person in its employ, has any authority to make or give warranty in respect of this property.