About the Health and Wellbeing Board

The Wandsworth Health and Wellbeing Board is a partnership between Wandsworth Council, local GPs, the Integrated Care Board (responsible for commissioning and overseeing health services) and the voluntary sector. Closer working between Wandsworth Council and local health professionals presents a great opportunity to improve the lives of our residents and promote a healthier borough.

The board was set up as part of the government's 2012 reorganisation of the health service. It brings together the Council and the Integrated Care Board to agree shared priorities for improving the health and wellbeing of Wandsworth residents.


The focus of the board is to:

  1. Improve the population’s health and reduce health inequalities
  2. Help reform the way the health and care system works
  3. Protect the health of residents

It will do this by:

  • Leading the development of the Council’s role in integrating the commissioning of health, social care and other services
  • Leading the development of local partnerships for health and social care which share a common view about local need, priorities and service development
  • Ensuring the engagement and involvement of local people in the development of the health and social care system locally
  • Working with regional and pan-London bodies to ensure that the health and social care needs of local people are understood and taken into account when commissioning services at regional and pan-London level

Members and meetings

You details of current board members and past and upcoming meetings, including dates, agendas, minutes and decisions.


A number of other partners and partnerships work alongside the Health and Wellbeing Board. These include:


For more information about the Wandsworth Health and Wellbeing Board contact WHWBB@wandsworth.gov.uk.