Business Rates billing

Once you have registered for Business Rates you should receive a bill within 10 days of the start of your account.

Rateable value

A property's rateable value is an assessment of the annual rent the property would rent for if it were available to let on the open market at a fixed valuation date.

Rateable values are based on the valuation date of 1 April 2021. Use the tool to find the rateable value of your property.


We are unable to help with enquiries about rateable value.

We are provided the rateable value by the Valuation Office Agency and only the ratepayer can ask them to check that it is correct. This is because you will need to provide information such as rental values, details of sales, etc.

There is no cost to submit a Check, Challenge, Appeal

In the meantime you will still need to pay your current bill. If the rateable value is reduced we will refund you any overpayments that you make. 

Viewing your account

We don't currently offer online account management for Business Rates. We are exploring the possibility of providing this service, and we will write to ratepayers if and when the option is available.

Request a copy of your bill

To request a copy of your bill, email with your business rates account reference number.

If you do not know the account reference number, please confirm the property address and name on the account.

We will process your email within 5 working days.

Disputing your bill

It is our responsibility to ensure that our records are as accurate as possible.

If you believe that we are not billing the correct party, or have not calculated your bill correctly, email us and provide more details. We encourage letters/emails because where a dispute arises, an audit trail of our conversations is valuable. 

Email and we will respond to you within 5 working days.

Address corrections

The property should be known as it is in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG), which is a database maintained by local authorities. The Valuation Office will usually check with us before they create a new property.

If you would like us to request a change to the address, email with your account details and the address that you think should be listed. 

The LLPG uses a different postcode system to mail services, so there can a discrepancy. We cannot alter the postcode of the rating list entry but we can add to your account a correspondence address. Email us and we will respond to within 5 working days. 

Changes to the property

If the property you are being billed for:

  • Has been demolished or is derelict
  • Is undergoing major refurbishment
  • Is in poor condition

We can ask the Valuation Office Agency to remove the property from the rating list but you must email us at with the following:

  • Confirmation of why the property should be taken out of rating
  • An effective date
  • Planning application reference if applicable
  • A contact address
  • A contact telephone number
  • Additional supporting evidence e.g. dated photographs

Splitting properties

If the property you are being billed for has been:

  • Split into more than one part, or
  • You are being billed for more than one property but it should be rated as one

We can ask the Valuation Office Agency to split or merge the properties in the rating list but you must email us at with the following:

  • Confirmation of why the property should be taken out of rating
  • An effective date
  • A plan of the properties
  • Planning application reference
  • A contact address
  • Additional supporting evidence e.g. dated photographs