Business Rates Freedom of Information requests
We are frequently asked for information about Business Rates accounts under the Freedom of Information Act. In light of this demand, and with a view to being as transparent as we can, we now publish all Business Rates information on 1 April and 1 October.
View the latest Wandsworth Business Rates Data (30 July 2024)
Personal information
We consider the following categories of data to be protected by the General Data Protection Regulation and we have therefore removed them from the Business Rates Data file:
- Sole Trader entries
- Names of account holders (unless business names)
- Billing addresses
Credit balances
We do not publish details of credit balances, due to the risk of fraudulent refund claims being made. As such, that information is considered exempt under section 31(1)(a) (prevention or detection of crime) of the FOI Act. This was confirmed by the Information Commissioner in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) decision notice (2017).