Surveys and consultations
View surveys and consultations concerning businesses in the borough of Wandsworth.
Consultation on Council expenditure plans with local businesses
Under Section 65 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 we have a duty to consult with ratepayers’ representatives on our service expenditure proposals, including capital, for the next financial year. The revised view of our revenue requirement, together with supporting detail in the budget reports being considered by individual service committees in the course of the January 2025 cycle of meetings, and the updated capital programme are put forward for consultation in order that the views of the representatives of ratepayers may be taken into account when final decisions on service provision are taken at the beginning of March 2025.
We wish to continue our regular consultation with the local business community about our budget plans for future years. The detailed expenditure reports provide an overview of these plans and we invite views to be taken into account when decisions are made on Council Tax for 2025/26 and budgets for future years.
Comments should be addressed to the Executive Director of Finance at and be received by Friday 21 February 2025 in order to be incorporated into the budget report.
As part of the annual cycle of consultation on our expenditure plans, the following expenditure reports will be considered at committee: