Procurement Act 2023 - Guidance for suppliers

The Procurement Act 2023 aims to improve how supplies, services and works are procured for the public sector.

What the act means for suppliers 

The current procurement regulations will be changing, and a new set will replace them from October 2024. The new regulations will be known as the Procurement Act 2023.

The new regulations will change how public procurement is carried out with an aim to improve the way suppliers, services and works are procured for the public sector. 

You can read about the bill's benefits for prospective suppliers to the public sector.

A new central digital platform 

Under the new regulations there will be a new central digital platform that all public sector bodies will use to publish details of new procurement opportunities. This is yet to be introduced but will be a single place for suppliers to register and upload key business information typically asked for by us and other public sector bodies with an aim to reducing duplication and resources to tender. 

We will continue to use our e-tendering provider Atamis to publish opportunities, and this will  directly link to the new platform. 

How to learn more

Cabinet Office have created a number of helpful short guides.

You can also watch some short videos and animations that help explain the new act. These include videos for suppliers, and suppliers classed as SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) and VCSEs (voluntary and community sector enterprises).

There are also a series of helpful Knowledge Drops that provide a high-level overview of the changes to the regulations and cover areas including:

  • The new central digital platform
  • Early market engagement
  • Prompt supplier payment
  • Changes to procurement procedures

Further information

You can find summarised information on the transforming public procurement webpage on GOV.UK, where suppliers can check for regular updates.