Procurement Regulations

The Procurement Regulations set out rules for procurement that are based upon five key principles:

(a) Contract strategies, specifications and other tender documents must have regard to what is reasonable and necessary in the particular circumstances

(b) The objective must be to secure the best possible value

(c) No organisation expressing an interest in tendering, or having been invited to tender or quote shall be given an opportunity to obtain an unfair advantage over its competitors

(d) Those concerned must act, and must be seen to act, in a proper manner

(e) Procurement shall be planned over such a timescale in order to afford the opportunity to maximise the benefits of such procurement and shall avoid placing us in a position of negotiating extensions to existing contracts.

Our officers are obliged to comply with the Procurement Regulations when entering into contracts on behalf of the Council. The Regulations highlights the various stages/processes that we undertake in each procurement exercise, including detailed contract planning that involves consultation with users, providers and other interested parties.

It also establishes a level playing field intended to provide assurance to organisations, contractors and providers seeking to contract with us that they will be treated fairly, transparently and equitably. It should reassure residents, businesses and recipients of Council services of our commitment to providing both high quality services and a distinctively low Council Tax.