Domestic violence and children

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Domestic abuse harms children too and it is likely your child is aware of what is happening, even at times where you think they might be asleep or in another room when incidents of abuse take place. Children who are victims of domestic abuse, whether by seeing, hearing, or experiencing it, can become depressed, anxious, stressed and angry.

Domestic abuse can seriously impact children's wellbeing, education and development and can impact their ability to form healthy relationships with others. It is important to explain to your child that any domestic abuse they may be experiencing is not their fault and that they must not intervene, and how to get help or call 999 in an emergency.

Under the Domestic Abuse Bill 2021, children who see, hear or experience domestic abuse are recognised as victims in their own right, and are entitled to support from the local authority to keep safe and to recover from the impact of domestic abuse.

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Concerned about a child or young person

If you are concerned about a child or young person who may be experiencing domestic violence you can contact the following services for advice and help:

Wandsworth Children's Services



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