Contact a service
Services can be accessed directly through the helpline numbers listed below.
Online services
We encourage residents to use our 24-hour online services. You can easily pay, apply or report an issue online.
This is often the quickest way to complete a task.
Main helpline
Call our main helpline: 020 8871 6000
24 hour Freephone Automated Payments Line: 0800 021 7763
Most services are available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, except for bank holidays. Calls outside of these hours will be dealt with by our out of hours emergency only service.
Services covered by our main helpline include:
- Main switchboard
- Children's services
- Council Tax and Housing Benefit
- Housing and homelessness
- Parking and streets
- Registration services
- Rents
- Elections/voting
- Rubbish and recycling
Business rates
Telephone: 020 8871 6454
Open Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm and Thursday from 9am to 12pm, except for bank holidays.
Online self-service also available: Business rates
Electoral Services
Telephone: 020 8871 6023
Open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, except for bank holidays (longer hours during an election).
Online self-service also available: Elections, voting and registration
Find out contact details for our libraries.
Leisure centres
Find out contact details for our leisure centres.