
Support available in the borough for paying bills.

Scam warning

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has issued a warning about Household Support Fund scam calls. 

The DWP will not phone people to invite them to apply for the Household Support Fund, call from an unknown number, or ask for bank or personal details over the phone. 

Reduce your energy usage

Find out more about how to reduce your energy usage and bills.

Not sure what bills to pay first?

The MoneyHelper Bill Prioritiser can help you put your bills in the right order and tell you what to do if you are struggling to pay.

Fuel grants

Wandsworth residents can apply for Crisis Assistance for food and fuel.

Winter Fuel Payments

It is really important to check you are claiming any benefits you are entitled to by using the Entitled to calculator.

During winter 2024 to 2025 only pensioners on benefits or Pension Credit will receive the Winter Fuel Payment.

To qualify for winter payments for winter 2024/25, applications for benefits must be sent to the DWP by the 21 December 2024. You will need to ask for your benefits to be backdated to the date of your benefits application.

Find out more about the changes to the Winter Fuel Payment (GOV.UK).

Warm Home Discount Scheme

The Warm Home Discount Scheme is a one-off £150 discount off your electricity bill.

If you’re eligible, your electricity supplier will apply the discount to your bill. The money is not paid to you.

Find out more about the Warm Home Discount Scheme (GOV.UK.

Cold Weather Payment

You may receive Cold Weather Payments if you are on certain benefits or support for mortgage interest. You’ll get a payment if the average temperature in your area is recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees Celsius or below over 7 consecutive days.

You will receive £25 for each 7 day period of very cold weather between 1 November 2024 and 31 March 2025. 

Find out more about the Cold Weather Payment (GOV.UK).

Citizens Advice Wandsworth

Citizens Advice Wandsworth provide specialist advice on a range of issues such as claiming benefits, employment issues, housing, immigration, debt, tax, advice for EU citizens etc.

Energy supplier grants

If you are in debt to your energy supplier, you might be able to get a grant to help pay it off.

The following energy suppliers offer grants to their customers:

Priority Services Register 

All large gas and electricity companies, as well the gas and electricity grids, offer a range of free services to their most vulnerable customers including residents of a pensionable age and those with additional health needs.

Joining the Priority Service Register entitles you to the following free services:

  • A gas appliance and installation safety check (if everyone in the home is eligible)
  • Quarterly meter readings
  • Help in moving a meter if it is in an inconvenient position
  • A personal password system for gas and electricity staff to use every time they call at the person’s home, to confirm they are genuine
  • Help if they have difficulty in using certain appliances
  • Bills sent to a friend or family member on their behalf
  • Bills supplied in different formats, such as large print or Braille, by cassette or in a different language

Some energy companies offer extra services to residents. Most energy companies require you to be on their priority service register before offering reduced bills for vulnerable customers, otherwise known as a ‘social tariff’.

Thames Water

Thames Water has designed WaterSure and WaterHelp schemes to reduce the cost to households in need of extra support. This includes low-income households, households with large families and those who have a water-dependent medical condition.

Rent and Council Tax

If you're on a low income you may be able to get help with paying your rent and your Council Tax. You may also be eligible for Housing Benefit or a Discretionary Housing Payment to help with housing costs.  

Local Assistance Scheme

For residents who receive welfare benefits who are subject to serious hardship, the Crisis Assistance scheme can help with the purchase of food and fuel and a Community Care Grant can help with the purchase of furniture and white goods.

Benefits calculators

Find out what benefits you could be entitled to.

TV Licence

TV licenses are free if you're aged 75 or over and you or your partner are in receipt of Pension Credit. Find out more about free TV Licensing.


Social tariffs are cheaper broadband and phone packages for people claiming Universal Credit, Pension Credit and some other benefits. Some providers call them ‘essential’ or ‘basic’ broadband.

They are delivered in the same way as normal packages, just at a lower price.

Find out more about cheaper broadband and phone packages.

Help with transport

We are working with cycle hire companies to provide low cost bicycle, e-bike, cargo bike and e-cargo bike options, including a Try Before You Bike scheme where you can see for free if cycling is for you. Visit our Cycling page for details.

There are also a range of car clubs in the borough that can save you the costs of owning or using your own car.

If you are unemployed and receiving Universal Credit or Jobseekers Allowance, you may be eligible for a travel discount.

Help for pet owners

The RSPCA is committed to ensuring that animals do not pay the price of the cost of living crisis. 

They have launched a new cost of living hub to provide advice and support for struggling pet owners. It’s constantly being updated with signposts to pet food banks, advice and support for vet bills, information about pet insurance, and tonnes of other resources. 

They are also working strategically with partners and organisations across the country to provide financial support for smaller rescues and veterinary vouchers for pet owners to ensure that pets stay in the home rather than get abandoned. They have launched a partnership with Farehare which will ensure pet food and veterinary treatments are provided for pet owners who are struggling at hundreds of food banks across England and in all the food banks in Wales. 

Free data

The National Databank is providing free data to 500,000 people in need via the Good Things Foundation’s network of community partners, in partnership with Virgin Media O2, Vodafone, and Three. There is also help with free data from O2 via their app.

Find out about National Databank.

Contact us

You can contact us to get information and advice on the cost of living, including where to get help about:

  • Financial benefits
  • Family and child care costs
  • Finding your nearest warm Space

Call us on 020 8871 6000 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.