Council Tax instalments

Council Tax regulations dictate that Council Tax will be payable by 10 monthly instalments if the demand is issued on or before 30 April of the relevant year.

For a bill issued on or after 1 May, but before 1 January, the number of instalments will be one less than the whole number of months remaining in the current financial year.

Where the demand is issued between 1 January and 31 March, the Council Tax will be payable in a single instalment.

The table below shows how many instalments you will receive if you receive a bill at a particular time: 

Number of instalments by month demand issued
Month demand was issued Number of instalments
April (or before) 10
May 9
June 8
July 7
August 6
September 5
October 4
November 3
December 2
January 1
February 1
March 1

Pay in 12 instalments

You can pay your Council Tax in 12 monthly instalments from April to March, instead of 10.

Let us know you want to pay over 12 instalments through your Council Tax account.

Or you can contact us in one of the following ways:

  • By telephone on 020 8871 8081 (automated 24 hour service)
  • In writing:
Council Tax Service
PO Box 65962
SW18 9HN

When you contact us you will need to provide:

  • Your name and address
  • Your Council Tax account reference
  • Your bank account name, account number and sort code
  • The payment date you would like: 4, 11, 15, 18 or 25 of each month (these options are only available if you opt to pay by Direct Debit).

Payment due dates

You must pay by the 1st of the month and by 5 April if you are paying by:

  • Debit or credit card
  • Cash
  • Standing order

If you are paying by Direct Debit, you can choose to pay on the 4, 11, 15, 18 or 25 of each month.

Late requests

If we receive your request after April, your instalments will be spread over the remaining months of the year until March.

When your next annual bill is issued, you will automatically receive the full 12 month instalments.