Carers Charter

Across Wandsworth, around 18,000 people provide unpaid care for their partner, family, friend or a neighbour. Making sure that all these unsung heroes get the support they need and deserve is a key priority for us.  

To achieve this, we have worked with unpaid carers to develop a charter. The charter sets out priorities that statutory authorities and voluntary organisations pledge to work towards to make sure that local carers are supported in the way that is appropriate for them.

Working together

I have access to appropriate information and services for me and the person I care for at all stages.

I want professionals who understand the challenges and issues of being in a caring role.

As a carer, I want my lived experience, views and opinions to be valued by professionals including social workers and hospital discharge teams.

I want professionals to communicate effectively with each other to provide seamless support and clear communication pathways with professionals.

Health and wellbeing

I am offered support to understand how to look after my own physical and mental health and wellbeing so that I can take proactive steps to achieve this.

I am able to receive a quick response from health and social care if my situation changes.

I am made aware of any financial and other practical support that I may be entitled to.

I am able to receive support to access or continue with education, training or employment.

Young carers

I have the opportunity to meet other young carers who are in a similar situation to me.

I am able to access age appropriate help to look after my own mental and physical health.

I am supported to maintain my friendships, interests and hobbies outside of my caring role.

Teachers and staff understand the impact that caring can have on my studies and help me to feel supported.

I am supported in moving seamlessly from child to adult services.

A life alongside caring

I am able to access a Carers assessment or review in good time when I need one.

I am made aware of support available in the community that will help me in my caring role such as training and social groups.

I am offered respite options that work for me and am supported to maintain hobbies or interests outside of my caring role.

I am able to maintain relationships with family and friends.