Young people's lived experiences

Every young person’s transition journey is different and personal to them. Our Transitions team provide the support and guidance you need to achieve your goals and aspirations.

Below are some stories of young people’s transition journeys and experiences.

Ash’s transition journey

Ash has Autism and a learning disability. She has come a long way from her early teens as she was frequently sceptical about what she could do then. The Transitions team has helped Ash to become a confident young person when socialising with friends and at work.  She has been taught to believe in herself, be confident and as result is now much happier because she able to do things she enjoys.

Since moving into a supported living flat she feels she can plan for her future better than before.

Ash has also been taught how to budget and make withdrawals from her bank account.  She has learned how to use a direct debit to pay for household bills such as rent and water. Her Personal Assistants (PAs) have helped her develop her cooking skills and she loves trying new recipes. She finds cooking and baking freeing and inspiring.

Public transport often made Ash feel anxious and claustrophobic, which meant she got into difficulties and would avoid travelling on her own.  However, again with support from her PA, Ash has learnt how to use public transport confidently and safely on her own, giving her much needed independence. 

With her newly found confidence Ash has also had opportunities to volunteer at charity shops such as Cancer Research and has worked in a local restaurant.  She is grateful for skills that she has been taught to search and apply for jobs.

Jack’s transition journey

Jack has cerebral palsy and is a wheelchair user.  Jack has been supported by the Transitions team to think about his future career plans and learning skills needed to live independently.  For example, Jack has learned to dress himself.  He also never felt comfortable eating in a public place, but with support Jack has overcome his anxieties and is now able to eat out and socialise, making him feel very proud of himself.  Little by little Jack’s confidence has grown and he now respects and understands himself better and is able to plan for the future.

He has always enjoyed films and enjoys going to the cinema, therefore decided to enrol on a screenwriting course and is glad that he is able to follow his passion. Jack has plans to move to Islington when he goes to college.

Jack thinks that disabled people are wrapped in cotton wool too much but just because you’re disabled, it doesn’t mean you can’t go out and live your best life.

Florence’s transition journey

Florence has a diagnosis of Down’s Syndrome and learning disabilities.

Florence moved from her family home into supported living in February 2020 with the support of the Transitions team. The Transitions team assessed what sort of living would be best suited to Florence’s needs.

Florence spoke about how excited she was when offered the opportunity to move into supported living accommodation. After first seeing the flat she was so excited that she kept ringing the team to ask when she could move in. She initially found it difficult but has enjoyed living with others. Living away from home has developed her confidence by learning to live with new people who have now become close friends.

The team helped her throughout the process by assisting her in developing the necessary skills to live independently, such as budgeting, washing, cleaning, and travelling. Through being initially assisted with how to cook and be safe in the kitchen, Florence can now cook on her own. Florence has also been supported to manage her tenancy independently, building relationships inside and outside of the house and learning how to keep herself safe when travelling.

Florence’s family now feel able to take a step back and allow her to flourish independently.  Her Personal Assistants (PAs) and the support staff of her accommodation continue to promote and support Florence in all areas of her Support Plan.