Market Position Statement - Provider engagement and support

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Provider engagement

We hope this market position statement enables providers to understand the current challenges and opportunities within the adult social care market in Wandsworth, and how we can co-produce to shape the market together.

We want to continue to work together to design, plan and develop innovative and creative solutions. As part of this, we invite our providers to attend our provider forums. Please find details of these below, and please do get in touch with us to get involved.

Home care forums

Held quarterly, jointly for both Richmond and Wandsworth, where in-borough, contracted and spot providers are invited to attend. Providers co-chair the forum, which helps providers to bring their issues for discussion. The forums are held both online and in person alternating between boroughs, so all providers can get a chance to attend.

Contact: Dimitra Nikoloudaki

Care homes forums

Held quarterly, jointly for both Richmond and Wandsworth. All in-borough providers are invited to attend. Providers co-chair the forum, which helps providers to bring their issues for discussion. The forums are held both online and in person alternating between boroughs, so all providers can get a chance to attend.

Contact: Dimitra Nikoloudaki

Provider Workforce Working Group

This takes place every two months online, where providers that have expressed an interest across the two boroughs, attend to work collaboratively on 10 tangible actions agreed together at the first meeting. Providers are encouraged to join to contribute to creative and innovative solutions to ongoing workforce issues.

Contact: Zahra Stone

Co-production and Partnership Group

This was set up in February 2018 to work in partnership with officers to help shape the way adult social care services are developed and implemented in the borough.


Other activities

Additionally, we will continue to build on our provider engagement through:

  • Promoting consultations and encouraging providers to take part in meaningful discussions to design and shape pre-procurement exercises
  • Co-producing with providers to address workforce challenges to create solutions.
  • Progressing our market sustainability plan and fair cost of care work, through active involvement of our providers
  • Continuing to work with and support our providers to improve service quality, ensuring we collaborate to deliver better standards of care to people who draw on care and support needs
  • Clarifying our commissioning intentions and providing demographic data and needs analysis through the market position statement to promote understanding of levels of needs and help inform development of sustainable models of delivery
  • Developing the market position statement as a key communication channel and platform to maintain dialogue with providers
  • Maintaining our provider circulation lists and developing our commissioning and contracting web pages to share key messages and updates

Procurement opportunities and tendering

We use an e-procurement system, Atamis eSourcing, to advertise tender opportunities and market engagement events. You can find more information about how procurement works and how to register for Atamis eSourcing on our Procurement page. You can also view the contract register lists contracts held between the council and vendors.

Contact us

Your views are important to us in developing the MPS. If you have any feedback or queries, please email