Our housing service standards

Our housing service standards are the commitments and service targets which tenants, leaseholders or housing applicants can expect from Wandsworth’s Housing and Regeneration department. 

Following our public consultation on the housing service standards, we have made changes in line with your feedback and further aligned with the recently published proposed consumer standards from the Regulator of Social Housing. The new standards will be set out under the following four themes:

  1. Safety and quality - Safety within the home and in communal areas and the quality of our homes spaces and services
  2. Transparency, influence and accountability - Making information accessible on performance, rights and responsibilities, how residents can hold us to account such as though complaints process and how they can influence changes to services.
  3. Neighbourhood and community - Our role in working with other agencies and contributing to the well-being and safety of the neighbourhoods you live in.
  4. Tenancy - How we will allocate properties, tenant responsibilities and how we provide opportunities for residents to move

The service standards also provide you with information on what the Housing and Regeneration Department monitors and reports on performance to ensure that we are meeting these standards.

For key areas of activity we will have a set of housing 'Key Performance Indicators' (KPIs) so our performance can be monitored. These will be reported and published quarterly with an explanation where performance has not met target. We will also report performance against these key indicators to residents via the Area Housing Panels. 

Throughout the service standards, ‘council residents’ means council tenants and leaseholders including those residents living in housing managed on behalf of the Council by Resident Management Organisations or Co-operatives.