Apply for a Community Care Grant

The scheme provides discretionary support to the most vulnerable Wandsworth residents who are experiencing hardship and crisis.

The fund is discretionary and limited and not everyone who applies will receive an award or may not receive all items requested.

Discretionary Community Care Grant

The fund is intended to:

  • Support individuals returning into the community following a stay in an institution or care home in which they received care
  • Or, to help people remain in the community rather than enter an institution or care home
  • Or, to support individuals returning from prison
  • Or, to support those who have been homeless, in temporary accommodation or moving to more settled accommodation after being in temporary accommodation

The items that can be considered for award are:

  • Bed
  • Freestanding electric cooker*
  • Table and chairs
  • Under counter fridge with small icebox
  • Microwave (if applicant has a cooker it is unlikely a microwave will be awarded)
  • Washing machine* (awarded in limited circumstances only)

*Installation of these items will be provided but applicants are responsible for ensuring the necessary connections are in place and safe to use otherwise installation will not proceed.

If awarded, these items will be from a basic range and you cannot pay to upgrade items. We will order any items awarded directly from our supplier and delivery will be provided. Bespoke or specialist items are not available via this scheme.

We do not issue cash payments, and we do not generally replace furniture or white goods due to wear and tear.


To be considered for an award from the Wandsworth Discretionary Social Fund you must have a Community Care Need, and:

  • Be aged 16 or over
  • Be in receipt of a qualifying out of work or disability benefit or be out of work and awaiting an initial decision on entitlement to a qualifying out of work or disability benefit (consideration could be given in exceptional circumstances to low-income working households)
  • Not have access to any funds (including insurance) that can be relied on to meet the need you are applying for support, and where you would be left with insufficient resources which would cause serious risk to your own, or your family’s health or safety
  • Not have already had an award in any rolling 12-month period
  • Not be a person subject to immigration control
  • Not be eligible for, and have not claimed, any Short-Term Advance of Benefit payment or similar from DWP, unless exceptional circumstances apply
  • Not have had your benefit entitlement suspended or sanctioned by the DWP
  • Be ordinarily resident in the borough of Wandsworth (and have lived in the borough for six weeks prior to applying and expect to be resident in the borough after receipt of the award) or have been placed by us (under our homelessness duty) in temporary housing outside the borough or, in the case of someone leaving prison or residential care, be about to move into the borough of Wandsworth
  • Be unable to meet the need through any other source

You may be asked to provide information to support your application.

You must read all of the information on this page before beginning your application.


Please allow up to five working days for a decision to be made. Please include an up to date telephone number so an officer can contact you if needed in order to process your claim. 

Start application

Get help with your application

Self-service terminals are available for residents who do not have online access or need help to apply for a Discretionary Grant. These are available at all borough libraries and at the Wandsworth Customer Centre in the Town Hall. If additional assistance is required, officers will be on hand to help.

Residents who do not have online access and who have medical issues or have difficulties attending the Customer Centre can telephone 020 8871 6000 to see what alternative support can be given.