156 to 232 Whitlock Drive, SW19

Homes for Wandsworth

Scheme name and address

Garage Block, 156 to 232 Whitlock Drive, Edgecombe Hall Estate, SW19


The construction of this scheme is well underway with significant progress being made by Kind & Co. The external envelope of the building is nearing completion and the internal spaces are now being created along with the initial mechanical, electrical and plumbing requirements being installed.


Demolition of existing garages and erection of residential building comprising nine flats with associated landscaping, underground parking, refuse and cycle storage.

156 to 232 Whitlock Drive details
Ward West Hill

In construction

Number of units 9
Tenure mix 9 x social rented
Unit mix 2 x 3-bed flats
6 x 2-bed flats
1 x 1-bed flat
Planning references 2020/5124
Anticipated completion August 2024

Site plan




For any queries, contact the development team:

Email: developmentteam@wandsworth.gov.uk
Telephone: 020 8871 7149