Major works contracts
This is basic information to make you aware of any future major schemes of work. Full details can only be provided during the consultation process with affected tenants and leaseholders.
Search contracts
Lennox works
Sarah House 1-43 Cons & Flats A&B
SW15 5LN
Contract title:Block Electrical Upgrades
Financial Year:26/27
Contract number:7305
Council priorities
We aim to:
- Obtain maximum value for money and
- Ensure the close involvement of tenants and leaseholders in decisions on all major works projects
We have various procedures in place which are designed to meet these objectives.
Repairs and maintenance works are subject to a competitive tendering process to make sure we obtain value for money services for our residents.
Resident involvement in the process
Once appointed, the council's consultant draws up a draft specification of proposed works and provides an estimated cost against each element of the scheme.
Leaseholders are served with a statutory Notice of Intention in relation to the council's proposal:
- Stating why the work is required
- Providing a pre-tender estimate of the cost and
- Inviting the nomination of a contractor to be included in the tendering process.
All residents affected by the work are invited to a public meeting at a local venue and are invited to give their comments, suggestions and feedback on the initial plans. These meetings are attended by Council officers, the Council’s consultants and local Councillors.
Pre-tender estimate of costs
The pre-tender estimate of costs assists leaseholders in reaching a more informed view about the merits of reducing or increasing the scope of the proposed project.
Tendering process
After residents' feedback has been considered and the final scheme of works agreed, competitive tenders are invited.
Once competitive tenders have been received and assessed, costs to leaseholders are calculated and service charge estimates advised to leaseholders based on tendered prices (allowing a statutory minimum of 30 days for comments and observations). Often, all residents affected will be invited to a further public meeting.
Start of works
It is difficult to forecast when works to your block/estate will begin, as the length of each individual consultation process varies.