Consultation on the phasing plan for Winstanley and York Road

Secure tenants have been hand delivered the latest development phasing plan and the draft local lettings plan for the Winstanley and York Road Regeneration scheme has been hand delivered to secure tenants. The phasing plan has been updated from the one which was issued in July 2020. Under Section 105 of the Housing Act 1985 we have a legal obligation to consult with our secure tenants on matters of housing management which are likely to substantially affect them. The draft local lettings plan provides information regarding how priority is determined between applicants in the allocation of the new accommodation.

Main changes

The key changes in the updated development Phasing plan 2023 are:

Purchasing additional new homes

We have decided to purchase additional homes at Block 5, accelerating the re-housing programme. The additional new homes mean that rather than Arthur Newton House and Holcroft House moving into Block 6 and 7 as in the previous, 2020, plan, they will now be rehoused into Block 5. With the remainder of Holcroft House being rehoused in Block 6.

Block 6 is anticipated to start on site in late 2024. All other rehousing will continue in the order as advised in the 2020 phasing plan.

Local lettings plan

The local lettings plan was consulted on in July 2020 and approved September 2020. There are some changes to the lettings plan and a new local letting plan 2023 (LLP 2023) has been provided in the recent pack.

The main changes to the lettings plan can be found on:

  • Page 5 – Development Phasing Plan
  • Page 13 – 4.4 Larger/Multigenerational families and adult Children

Secure tenants

If you are a secure tenant and have any comments regarding the ‘2023 Phasing plan’ or ‘LLP 2023’, then please send them to us. This can be done via the enclosed return envelope provided in the recent delivery pack, or you can contact your case officer as indicated on your letter by:

Alternatively, the Regeneration team will be available in York Gardens Community centre on the following dates to answer and queries or discuss any concerns in person:

  • Thursday 6 April 2023 - From 4 to 8pm
  • Tuesday 18  April 2023 - From 2 to 5pm

Closing date

The closing date for the consultation is Sunday 30 April 2023. We will consider all comments received by this date at the Housing and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny committee.

The Regeneration office is available 9.30am to 12pm, and 2 to 4.30pm. You may wish to book a visit during this period. This can be arranged by contacting the Regeneration team, and your case officer will get back to you with a suitable appointment: