Time is running out to help shape crime and community safety priorities in Wandsworth
Published: Wednesday, December 14, 2022
With less than a week to go before a key public consultation closes, time is running out for residents and businesses to have their say on local priorities for tackling crime and anti-social behaviour in Wandsworth.
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The Wandsworth Community Safety Partnership, which includes the police, council, fire brigade and other public bodies is staging a consultation to help shape its new Community Safety Strategy which will set out the actions it will take to improve the safety and quality of life for communities across the borough.
It’s important people engage with the consultation before it concludes on December 21.
The council’s cabinet member whose remit includes community safety, is calling on local people to have their say and help the borough’s crime fighting agencies better understand the people’s priorities and the issues that concern them.
Graeme Henderson said: “Listening to the views and concerns of our local communities is vitally important in ensuring we get our strategies right and address the issues and concerns which have the most impact on our residents and businesses.”
Key priorities likely to feature in the strategy include:
• Ensuring neighbourhoods are safe by tackling crime and anti-social behaviour including burglary and motor vehicle crime as well as violent crime such as robbery and knife crime.
• Preventing violence against women and girls.
• Preventing offending and reducing reoffending.
• Tackling hate crime, extremism and radicalisation.
• Keeping children and young people safe.
To take part in the consultation please visit the council’s website. To request a copy of the questionnaire in an alternative format, please email consult@wandsworth.gov.uk or call (020) 8891 7777.
Find out more about local crime trends and community safety issues.