Extended opening hours for local people to enjoy Fishponds Playing Fields
Published: Friday, July 15, 2022
Tooting residents will have more time to enjoy a neighbourhood green space after a decision to open it up to the public for longer hours every day.
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Fishponds Playing Fields has proved to be a popular green space for people living in the surrounding area – but its opening hours have been restricted in the past. It is normally open to the general public only when one if its sports pitches has been booked.
But from Monday (July 18) the opening times will be extended to give local people more time to enjoy its green space, its mini-playground and the many other outdoor activities that it hosts.
From Monday the playing fields will be open seven days a week from 9am until late into the evening.
Staff from the council’s leisure and culture contractor Enable will be on hand to make sure the playing pitches are protected from inappropriate use or damage.
As well as being a green lung in the city, the playing fields offer a wide range of health and fitness activities and family-oriented events. Some of these events are free, but for others there is a small charge.
Events include:
• Women’s only fitness session on Monday mornings
• Dance Aerobics on Tuesday mornings
• Forever active classes on Monday mid-morning.
• Cardio circuit on Wednesday mornings
• Yoga session on Thursday mornings
For the complete programme of events, including timings and prices please check out this flyer on Enable’s website.
The playing fields site remains available for sports bookings for local schools and sports clubs for organised team sports, including cricket, football, rugby with email bookings available via fpf@enablelc.org.
Wandsworth’s cabinet member for environment Cllr Judi Gasser said: “These playing fields are a valued and popular open space for families in this part of Tooting offering residents somewhere to exercise and use to keep fit and stay healthy.
“I’m delighted that we are now taking steps to ensure that local people can benefit from its use for much longer each and every day of the week.”
For more information about the playing fields including its opening times please visit Enable’s website.