Thanks for coming to Clean Air Day events
Published: Friday, June 17, 2022
Thank you to everyone who came along to Wandsworth Council’s Clean Air Day Events yesterday (June 16).
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Two sessions were held – one at the Ram Quarter in Wandsworth for businesses and community groups, and another in Clapham Junction for residents.
The Big Fuel Up in Wandsworth was a chance for businesses and groups to find out about using cargo bikes. They were able to meet other businesses using them, including wine bar Humble Grape and the Wandsworth Parks Police, as well as providers including peddled-powered taxi and cargo service Pedal Me and EcoFleet Mindful Deliveries.
If you were unable to attend, you can find out how to access cargo bikes, information on cargo bike repair shops and case studies of how other organisations have used them at Cargo bikes - Wandsworth Borough Council.
At Clapham Junction residents could meet members of the council’s clean air team, get tips on what they could do to improve air quality, get their bike marked and enjoy a free trip on a cargo bike taxi. If you missed it, find out about Clean Air Day and get tips on what actions you can take at Action for clean air by Global Action Plan