Welcome to Let it Bloom June
Published: Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Fresh from a successful No Mow May, Wandsworth Council will now continue to let areas of grass grow undisturbed throughout Let it Bloom June.
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No Mow May, run by the charity Plantlife, sees areas of grass left unmown to encourage pollinators and support the council’s biodiversity strategy.
Enable, which looks after the parks and open spaces in the borough on behalf of the council, allowed selected areas of grass to be left unmown across 22 sites. Local people were also encouraged to leave the lawnmower in the shed to attract pollinators to their gardens.
Now the council is taking part in Let it Bloom June and the same areas will be left to flourish.
The areas being left unmown in Wandsworth are:
- Battersea Park (part site)
- Christchurch Gardens (part site)
- Falcon Park (part site)
- King Georges Park (part site)
- Morden Cemetery (part site)
- Tooting Common (part site)
- Wandsworth Common (part site)
- Wandsworth Park (part site)
- Putney Park Lane (whole site)
- The Pleasance (whole site)
- Roehampton Playing Fields (3m strip around the edge)
- Barn Elms (3m strip around the edge)
- Fishponds (2m strip around edge)
- Fairacres verge (cut 1m from the path)
- Putney Vale Open Space (whole site)
- Tibetts Corner (whole site)
- Garratt Lane OBG (3m strip alongside the wall)
- West Hill Open Space (all three triangles)
- Medfield Street Open Space (whole site)
- Sheepcote Lane (whole site)
- Vicarage Gardens (part site)
On Wandsworth and Tooting Commons there will be no cutting underneath tree canopy drip lines. These areas will receive one cut at the end of the cutting season. All non-sport amenity grass areas should receive half the number of cuts (once a month or less).