Share your thoughts on children’s vaccinations
Published: Friday, March 18, 2022
Would you like a £30 voucher for helping the NHS and your community by joining a focus group about the COVID-19 vaccination for children aged five to 11? Or the chance to win £100 for completing a seven-minute survey?
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If you’re a parent or carer of a child in Wandsworth, the local NHS would love to hear from you. You can take part in two ways:
1. Join one of the focus groups
Join a focus groups with a local healthcare professional to share your views and ask questions about the COVID-19 vaccination.
The groups take place on Microsoft Teams on:
- Monday 21 March, 7pm to 8pm, for parents of children aged five to seven.
- Thursday 24 March, 4pm to 5pm, for parents of children aged eight to 11.
- Tuesday 29 March, 10am to 11am, for parents of children aged five to 11 who have a health condition or disability that could affect their immunity.
If you can’t access Microsoft Teams, or you can’t make the times, please email to share your views.
To book your place, and for more information, email or call 020 3922 1498.
As a thank you for taking part each participant will be offered a £30 shopping voucher.
2. Fill in the survey
Not able to join the discussion? Share your views in an online survey. Everyone who takes part can enter a prize draw to win a £100 voucher.
Parents of older children can enter too – it’s open to parents of five to 17-year-olds.
Why should I get involved?
- To help the local NHS to share information about the COVID-19 vaccination with your community.
- To tell them where you would prefer to go for your vaccinations and how you can be supported to make an informed decision about vaccinating your child.
- For the chance to ask healthcare professionals questions about the COVID-19 vaccine.
For more information about the COVID-19 vaccine for children visit the website.