Strong housing delivery continues in Wandsworth
Published: Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Wandsworth’s excellent record of delivery is reflected in this year’s New Homes Bonus allocation from central Government. Based on the recorded delivery, the council is set to receive the 5th highest New Home Bonus allocation in London this year (£4.8 million) that will go toward supporting local services and infrastructure.
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Since the New Homes Bonus scheme was introduced in 2011/12, Wandsworth has consistently received one of the highest bonus payments in London now totalling £94 million providing significant support to deliver on borough priorities.
Cllr Ravi Govindia, Leader of Wandsworth Council, said:
“In spite of difficult circumstances, Wandsworth Council has continued to deliver impressive housing numbers to meet a range of needs. I’m delighted that our hard work in enabling and supporting the delivery of high-quality homes has been recognised by the New Homes Bonus. I am also proud that the Council has been able to play its part through our Housing for All council development programme in targeting the early delivery of genuinely low cost rented homes with the programme also set to deliver low-cost home ownership opportunities for the residents and workers of Wandsworth.
“All of the housing projects that we support and work on are about more than simply bricks and mortar. Council development is a case in point with wider environmental and infrastructural improvements factored into any development we propose. We expect a similar approach from other developers so that we continue to build communities and neighbourhoods our residents can be proud of. The coming year will see some of our largest estate regeneration schemes at both the Alton estate and Winstanley and York estates taking significant steps forward, and as such our delivery of new, fit-for-purpose housing and environments will continue to grow.”
According to the Government’s figures 1,377 new homes were built in Wandsworth between October 2020 and October 2021, of which 423 were classed as affordable homes.
Council forecasts identify that over 2,300 genuinely affordable new homes will be delivered over the next three years including 343 new affordable units due to be completed in 2021/22. The following two years (2022/23 to 2023/24) could see a further 2,019 affordable homes completed that will meet the latest size, quality and environmental standards.
Included in these figures are homes delivered through council-led development. Since 2017, the council has delivered 244 council homes across 16 sites in the borough, including completion of its latest scheme at Sphere Walk in Battersea which provides 71 new homes and marks the council’s largest completion yet within its Housing for All programme. The Housing for All programme aims to build over 1,000 new homes by 2027 across a mix of tenures to meet a range of needs.
Work is already underway on the council’s estate regeneration programme on the Winstanley and York estate and the Alton regeneration scheme has received a significant boost having finally obtained sign off from the Mayor of London. In total these schemes will deliver a net increase in Council homes of 400, of which at least 260 will be social rent. This is alongside the numerous community benefits, from new GP surgeries and business hubs to retail units and children’s centres.
Councillor Jonathan Cook, Cabinet Member for Housing at Wandsworth Council, commented:
“We’re incredibly proud of the work we are undertaking in Wandsworth and of every project that we complete. We have always been committed to working with developers and housing associations to see high quality and sustainable developments delivered. The proof of our success is in the strong pipeline of housing we have been able to secure, as is the New Homes Bonus allocation that Wandsworth residents will benefit from.”