New cycle lanes and road safety measures introduced in Furzedown
Published: Wednesday, April 12, 2023
- Package of safety measures unveiled
- Scheme responds to residents’ calls to “make Mitcham Lane safe for all”
- Council committed to listening to resident and business feedback
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New cycle lanes and road safety measures will be introduced in Furzedown from next week to improve safe cycling and walking routes in this part of Wandsworth.
As part of the council’s new walking and cycling strategy, and following requests from residents to “make Mitcham Lane safe for all”, the council is introducing a pilot scheme there to improve safety for those who cycle.
The changes are being introduced on a trial basis between Mitcham Lane’s junctions with Southcroft Road and Blegborough Road. They include:
- Mandatory cycle lanes in both directions to provide designated and safe space for cycling.
- Advisory cycle lanes in both directions between the junctions with Southcroft Road and Edencourt Road.
- Narrower traffic lanes to reduce vehicle speeds.
- A raised table at the existing signalised pedestrian crossing outside St James’ West Streatham Church to reduce vehicle speeds on the approaches to the crossing.
- Additional 20mph road markings to remind drivers of the speed limit.
- Double yellow lines along the cycle lanes to maintain accessibility for bicycles.
- Double yellow lines at the side road junctions to maintain visibility and improve road safety for vehicles and cycles entering and exiting the side roads.
- New loading bay and short stay parking bays outside shops near the Southcroft Road junction.
These measures are being introduced via an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO) for six months so that residents have a chance to see the changes in action before feeding back their comments to the council ahead of a decision being taken as to whether they should be made permanent.
All comments received from this feedback will be considered in full before any final decision is taken.
Clare Fraser, Wandsworth’s Cabinet Member for Transport said: “This scheme is being introduced after listening carefully to the views of local residents and other stakeholders who told us they thought improvements could be made in this area to reduce road danger for the increasing number of residents who do not travel by car.
“We have therefore devised a package of measures which we believe will deliver those safety improvements and provides options to ensure those who use Mitcham Lane have access to affordable and safe mobility options.
“By adding additional transport infrastructure in Furzedown, we hope that this will provide residents with more choice and enable them to make a shift away from travelling by car. Taking concerted action to encourage active travel options is one way the council is working hard to improve local air quality and clean up the air we all breathe.”
The changes are a central plank of the council’s Future Streets strategy which outlines its wide-ranging plans for cleaner, greener and safer travel options across Wandsworth.
The council is keen to hear the views of local residents and businesses throughout the trial period. Feedback can be submitted after the pilot scheme has begun via an online survey which commences on April 17 and continues until October 31st.
For answers to queries or to request a paper copy of the survey or a different language or format, please email