Last chance to have your say on NHS children’s cancer care plans
Published: Friday, December 8, 2023
The Leader of Wandsworth Council has reminded residents to take part in a public consultation on the future of children’s cancer services in south England. The consultation closes on 18 December.
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Simon Hogg, who has led the campaign to save children’s cancer care at St George’s Hospital, has repeated his call for local residents to make their voices heard.
He said “It’s really important that local people have their say on these proposals.
“St George’s has been caring for children with cancer for the past 25 years. The removal of the service would mean losing that clinical expertise, and could have a serious knock-on effect on other specialist treatments the hospital provides.
“Parents have made it quite clear that they prefer to travel by car for their child’s treatments. They say it is hugely difficult and dangerous to travel with a sick child on public transport, especially when they are more vulnerable to infections. They say that switching services to central London where there is little or no parking provision would present major difficulties for them.
“Parents have also said they don’t feel their concerns have been listened to during the consultation process so far.
“St George’s has impressive plans to expand and improve their cancer care services for children. From the evidence that’s been presented to us, the case for retaining these specialist services in Tooting is compelling.
“With time running out until the consultation ends, this is one of our last chances to make our voices heard. I urge people to engage with the consultation before it’s too late.”
Councillor Hogg’s own consultation response can be found here