Wandsworth celebrates Pride Month
Published: Thursday, June 1, 2023
Wandsworth will be running events and flying the Pride flag during the whole of June as part of its commitment to supporting the LGBTQ+ community.
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Pride Month began after the Stonewall riots and is a national event dedicated to celebrating and commemorating LGBTQ+ identity and equality.
Cllr Kemi Akinola, deputy council leader, said: “Pride month celebrates the LGBTQ+ members of our community and recognises the long history of their struggle for equality. We’re proud to support Pride month and our LGBTQ+ friends and neighbours.
“This administration is determined to make Wandsworth a fairer, more equal borough where everyone has a chance to live a happy, fulfilled life. This includes supporting our residents who belong to one - or more than one - marginalised group or community.”
As well as flying the flag, Wandsworth will mark Pride month with events in borough libraries and as part of the Wandsworth Arts Fringe.
Celebrations will be held in Wandsworth’s care homes for LGBTQ+ residents and their allies, and there will be information and events in schools. The Mayor of Wandsworth will hold a reception for key organisations and members of the local LGBTQ+ community.
Sources of support and events will be promoted all month on the council’s social media feeds, including video profiles of local organisations and services including the Furzedown Project over 50s LGBT coffee morning, Oasis charity shops and The Gap LGBTQ youth club.
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