Delivering better, fairer services for Wandsworth residents
Published: Friday, May 12, 2023
- Wandsworth cabinet looks back on successes over the last 12 months and ahead to priorities for the coming year
- We will build on work to deliver more council homes and better services for local people
- The cabinet pledge to deliver a fairer, more compassionate and more sustainable borough
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Helping people through tough times
In the last year, the council launched the biggest Cost of Living response in London including doubling council tax support, additional cash payments and topping up wages for the lowest earners. This year we will publish the recommendations of our Cost of Living Commission and take long-term action to create a fairer borough for all. We will publish a roadmap towards paying the Living Wage for all staff who work for the council, and the way the council works will be modernised, making sure it puts residents first.
Building homes for local people
We have delivered secure council tenancies for council tenants, and helped leaseholders by making repairs affordable. We're also investing in our homelessness services because no-one should be forced to live on the streets. We will deliver 1,000 new council homes so local families can stay in the borough, and invest in council estates to fix issues such as damp and mould.
Better transport choices
We want to make it easier to walk and cycle in Wandsworth. The Future Streets active travel strategy has seen the installation of 100 bike hangers, with a bold new target of another 300, and the delivery of more school streets than ever before. Future priorities include a new £5m fund to improve pavements and fill in potholes and improved public transport in relatively under-served areas of the borough such as Roehampton.
Making Wandsworth healthier and safer
Our fair and compassionate health and social care work includes a framework to prevent long-term health conditions and work to tackle loneliness including setting up lunch clubs for older people. Going forward the council will work with the NHS to improve local healthcare and launch an action plan around mental health. Domestic violence support has been doubled and the administration will hold the Met Police to account over the Casey Report and work to build back trust between local people and the police.
Building a fairer, more sustainable borough
We’ve received an international A-rating for our work on climate action. This year we will publish the recommendations of the independent Citizens’ Assembly to shape our work on cleaning up the air – especially in areas such as outside schools. Work will continue on protecting and enhancing our trees, parks and open spaces, including improving biodiversity. We’ll make sure our libraries and sports and leisure facilities are open to everyone. From July free swim and gym sessions in the leisure centres will be provided for residents on Universal Credit and free school meals. Tough action has seen flytipping fall by 14 per cent. Waste collection services will continue to improve with more food waste recycling and a greener fleet of waste vehicles.
Supporting children and families
A focus on helping families has seen free breakfasts and school uniforms provided for those that need them. Future work will include delivering new neighbourhood family hubs, more apprenticeships and a work to improve children’s mental health.
The voluntary sector, business and culture
Support for local businesses, including new affordable workspaces, will continue and culture will be put firmly at the front and centre of the council’s work in the year ahead. We will work with the voluntary sector to support local people and we will continue to make Wandsworth an accredited Borough of Sanctuary for those fleeing war and oppression.
Simon Hogg, Leader of Wandsworth Council, said: “It’s been one year since the new administration pledged to deliver a fairer, compassionate, more sustainable Wandsworth. We’ve hit the ground running but we’re just getting started and we pledge to always deliver positive change for Wandsworth.”