Wandsworth celebrates the Coronation
Published: Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Wandsworth residents came out to party during the Coronation weekend, with 144 street parties all over the borough.
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The council waived street closure fees in order to encourage as many as possible. We went out and about to capture just some of them.
The Mayor of Wandsworth visited as many local street parties as he could. Here he meets 100-year-old Aftab Ahmad in Balmuir Gardens, Putney. Mr Ahmad served in the British Army for 25 years and then worked for British Rail for 27 years. After his retirement he volunteered with the Muslim Association. He's seen here with his birthday letter of congratulations from the King and Queen.
The council's Coronation Grant Fund help support a range of community events, including this one at St Mary's Church, Battersea.
The Mayor joined celebrations in Hazlewell Road, Putney.
Looking regal in Balham Park Road.
The Royal Couple in Fawe Park Road, Putney.
People could watch the Coronation service and the Coronation Concert for free on a big screen in Battersea Park.
Celebrations in Carey Gardens, Battersea.
Royal fever in Jedburgh Street, Battersea.