Wandsworth’s new Policy Champions unveiled
Published: Thursday, May 18, 2023
- New champions set to be appointed at council’s AGM
- Will devise new initiatives to improve residents’ day-to-day lives
- Bringing additional knowledge, experience and expertise to the fore
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Council leader Simon Hogg has unveiled the council’s new Policy Champions who will be tasked with supporting the borough’s cabinet of leading members in delivering policies and initiatives that benefit the day-to day lives of local residents.
These new Policy Champions will raise awareness of their specific roles and responsibilities, engage with stakeholders, promote formal consultations, research viability of innovative ideas and evaluate relevant work in other boroughs, as well as provide support to the work of their cabinet member.
The majority are set to be officially appointed to their positions at the council’s Annual General Meeting on May 24. Two are set to be formally appointed in July. The champions are:
• Refugees Champion – Sarmila Varatharaj, who will support the Cabinet Member for Business, Voluntary Services and Culture.
• Clean Air Champion– Jamie Colclough, who will support the Cabinet Member for the Environment.
• Community Safety Champion– Lizzy Dobres who will support the Cabinet Member for Health.
• Active Travel Champion – Jack Mayorcas, who will support the Cabinet Member for the Environment.
• Tenants Champion– Matthew Tiller who will support the Cabinet Member for Housing.
• Equalities Champion – Sana Jafri who will support the Cabinet Member for Business, Voluntary Services and Culture.
• Families Champion - Sarah Davies who will support the Cabinet Member for Children
• History Champion – Rex Osborn who will support the Cabinet Member for Business, Voluntary Services and Culture
Councillors Davies and Osborn are expected to be formally appointed in July.
Councillor Hogg said: ““We are creating a fairer, compassionate and more sustainable council which supports and protects our most vulnerable residents, strengthens local communities and improves the lives of local people, all for the same low council tax.
“I’m delighted to confirm the Policy Champions for Wandsworth. They will be working alongside cabinet colleagues in delivering real and positive change for the people of this borough. They will bring additional knowledge, experience and expertise to the forefront of everything we do to improve the daily lives of our residents.”