Consultation underway to shape borough’s new licensing policy
Published: Thursday, November 30, 2023
Local people are being invited to have their say on the borough’s review of its licensing policy and help shape the council's policy on licence applications for Wandsworth’s pubs, bars, nightclubs, off-licences, members clubs and late-night refreshment takeaways.
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The proposed framework of hours will allow businesses to stay open until midnight and not later than 2am at the weekends. This will allow applicants to have regard to their business model particularly if the businesses are situated in a residential area.
There are more than a thousand local businesses that hold a liquor licence and nearly all are situated either adjacent to or very close to residential properties.
The council believes that the existing controls on opening hours strike the right balance in protecting the interests of residents while allowing local businesses to flourish.
However, now that five years have passed since the last review, councillors say it is important that members of the public are given a fresh chance to have their say on the policy.
Residents and businesses are now being asked to take part in a consultation and to say whether or not the current system should be retained or if more relaxed opening hours should be permitted. This consultation period runs until January 22.
Chairman of the council's regulatory committee and licensing committee Cllr Maurice McLeod said: "We have a responsibility to protect Wandsworth residents from any negative impact of late-night alcohol consumption. That is why we have limits on the opening hours of pubs, bars and clubs.
“But now that five years have passed since our last review, it’s only right and proper that we ask the question again to make sure that our policies continue to properly reflect the views of local residents and also those of businesses.
"Our ultimate goal is strike the right balance between protecting the interests of residents, taking steps to combat crime and disorder and also promoting the borough's night-time economy.”
For more information about the policy, the consultation and how to take part please visit the council’s website.