Month long countdown underway for secondary school applications
Published: Friday, October 6, 2023
Parents are being reminded that the deadline to submit their secondary school choices for September 2024 is the end of this month.
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Although it’s still nearly a year away, now is the time for parents whose children have just begun their final year at primary school, to start thinking about their secondary school choices.
All applications for a secondary school place for the start of the September 2024 academic year must be submitted before midnight on Tuesday, October 31.
This crucial deadline applies to children who were born between September 1, 2012 and August 31, 2013 and have just started Year 6 at primary school.
Parents can find out more about Wandsworth’s 11 state-funded secondary schools, which are all rated good or outstanding by Osted, and helpful information on how to apply for a place by reading the council’s latest 'Choose a Wandsworth Secondary School' brochure.
The brochure and more information outlining the application process can also be found on the council’s website. Parents and carers who want to make an online application will find a link to the e-admissions website on this page.
Parents of children living in the borough must apply online or email their application to Wandsworth Town Hall by the October 31 deadline. This includes parents who are applying for a school place in another borough.
Parents need to list the schools they would like their child to attend in order of preference. Up to six schools in any part of London can be listed on the application but it is always recommended to include at least one that is close to where they live. The London-wide admissions system is designed to allocate them a place at their highest ranked school of choice, as long as they meet the published admissions criteria.
People who submit their choices on time will be told the outcome of their applications by email at the beginning of March 2024.
Cabinet member for education Cllr Kate Stock said: “With every secondary school in Wandsworth rated either good or outstanding, parents in the borough have some really excellent schools to choose from.
“Our schools are inclusive and passionate about meeting the needs of every child. Our secondary schools build on the excellent education provided at primary level and offer teaching and learning that supports every child in achieving their full potential.
“And to help parents make their choice of secondary school, in collaboration with our schools we have produced a helpful brochure that contains key information about each individual school and gives a straightforward step-by-step guide to the whole admissions process.”
People who apply online, using the secure and confidential pan-London e-admissions website, will receive helpful tips and prompts as they go through the process.
Online applications can be edited and amended as often as parents choose right up to the deadline and each time it is completed parents will receive an email notification confirming the application has been properly received and registered.