Huge funding announcement for Putney
Published: Saturday, December 26, 2020
Wandsworth Council is to receive more than £1m to invest in Putney High Street after being successful in a competition to secure Government funding.
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In a letter published today Robert Jenrick, the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities confirmed Putney was to be one of the recipients of a huge support package aimed at revitalising town centres.
The council will get £1,058,706 as part of the Future High Streets Fund Competition, money aimed at getting town centres and high streets bustling and thriving again.
The Leader of Wandsworth Council, Cllr Ravi Govindia, today welcomed the news and said it would be a massive boost for Putney and the local area.
He said: "This is the perfect Christmas present for Putney. To receive more than £1m of investment is going to really help and support local businesses along the High Street who have been struggling during these difficult times."
Wandsworth Council has already embarked on a major scheme to improve Putney High Street and make it a more pleasant destination for shoppers and visitors.
Plans were drawn up following extensive consultation with local people and groups, such as the Positively Putney business improvement district.
Improvements have already been carried out in the town centre including the uplighting of St Mary’s Church and the illumination of Putney Bridge.
Other elements of the project include:
- Widening and repaving the eastern side of the pavement between Disraeli Road and Putney Bridge Road where the space allows - as illustrated below.
- Improving safety for pedestrians by constructing granite ‘Copenhagen Crossings’ at side street junctions.
- Repaving the area outside the railway station.
- Constructing a loading bay outside Tesco to prevent delivery vehicles blocking the road
- Introducing a 20mph speed limit
- Upgrading and modernising street lights
- Putting in green planters and seating
- Providing more parking for cycles, including two-tier stands with space for dozens of bikes on Disraeli Road.
- Planting new street trees
- Decluttering by removing unnecessary signs and railings and upgrading street furniture
Cllr Govindia added: "We know the impact that Covid-19 has had on our town centres and we continue to work closely with our local businesses, residents and community groups to ensure the continued vibrancy of our town centres and high streets, to support the local economy and protect jobs.
"This funding announcement is going to hugely support our commitment to make Putney High Street safer and more attractive and is very welcome news for the whole area."