Wandsworth Council: A More Open, Modern, and Listening Council

Published: Friday, February 28, 2025

Wandsworth Council is putting residents at the heart of what we do by making local government clearer, more open, and easier to engage with. 

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From next month, Cabinet meetings will be more open and accessible, and Cabinet Members will be answering questions on our website. This demonstrates the Council’s continued commitment to listening and responding to the issues that residents care about. You can also watch livestreams or videos of previous Cabinet Meetings, and the same for Full Council meetings and all of our scrutiny meetings.

This builds on the ‘7 Rings, 7 Days’ promise—when you call 020 8871 6000, we’ll answer within seven rings, and fix things like graffiti, broken signs, or dangerous potholes within seven days. The council is making it quicker and easier for people to get the help they need and making sure residents can see what’s happening with local decisions.  

You can also email hello@wandsworth.gov.uk with any question about our range of services, and we’ll pass the query on to the right place.  

Better scrutiny of our work 

We will also be modernising the way scrutiny committees work having worked closely with the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny (CFGS), who found that Wandsworth’s “committees are busy and are challenging, but not necessarily making much difference. They debate and vote but are unable to influence at the conclusion.”   

Under the existing system, scrutiny committees only discuss reports which are already complete and are about to go to Cabinet – who then make the final decision. In practice, this “11th hour” scrutiny means there is little scope for committees to make meaningful suggestions to the Cabinet on what could be improved.  


How will Scrutiny Committees work now? 

In line with how scrutiny committees operate in other Councils, our new system will ensure our scrutiny committees help develop better policies, by involving them at an earlier stage. The committees will focus on the big, important decisions that affect local people before recommendations are taken to Cabinet for decision. Committees will be able to call in experts, talk to residents, and have real influence over decisions before they’re developed. 

Simon Hogg, Leader of Wandsworth Council, said: "We’re making the council easier to understand and more open to the people it serves. Too often, council meetings have felt like a closed shop, with decisions made behind a wall of paperwork and process. That’s changing. We’re giving residents more say, making Cabinet meetings more accessible, and making sure scrutiny does what it’s supposed to—challenge and improve decisions before they happen. This is all part of our Listening Council promise—modern, open, and working for you." 

As Leader of the Council, Simon also holds regular drop-in sessions across the borough. These sessions give residents a chance to speak directly to the Leader, ward councillors, local MPs, and service providers about issues that matter to them. It’s a way for people to raise concerns, get advice, and shape the future of their neighbourhoods. For details on upcoming sessions, visit Here to listen: chat with the Council Leader. 

These changes are another step towards making Wandsworth a Listening Council—one that’s open, honest, and puts residents first.