Applications open for fund to help voluntary sector organisations respond to Cost of Living crisis

Published: Friday, June 28, 2024

  • £350,000 fund focused on projects supporting people directly affected by the Cost of Living crisis
  • Grants awarded will be between £2,500 - £15,000
  • Fund helps keep people who need support warm and fed during winter and beyond

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Applications to the VCS (Voluntary and Community Sector) Cost of Living Grant Fund are now open. 

There are two main priorities to the fund:

  1. To support projects such as community spaces and food projects
  2. to fund core programme costs for organisations who are struggling to maintain their offer to residents due to increased demand for their services. 

The deadline for priority one applications is 29 July, with priority two applications due by 2 September.  

The fund has been set up by the council to help local VCS organisations respond to the Cost of Living crisis through increasing the current offer of community spaces and food provision around the borough, currently being delivered by voluntary sector organisations.  

The grants received by the organisations will also help to build capacity and sustainability in the offer, with the aim that people who need support will be kept warm and fed during winter and beyond.  

Long-term solutions to the cost of living has been a priority for the council, ever since all recommendations by the Cost of Living Commission to the council were accepted earlier this year.  

Find out more about the fund and how to apply