Last few days to comment on traffic free Putney Embankment plan

Published: Friday, May 10, 2024

A public consultation will come to a close next week on plans to permanently pedestrianise a short stretch of Putney Embankment to encourage walking and cycling along the riverside and make it more welcoming for visitors.

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The consultation has been run alongside a trial scheme which has kept part of the embankment free from motor vehicles since the successful completion of the Thames Tideway super sewer works last year.

As part of those works, the Embankment was closed to vehicle traffic at various times over the past three years, and fully closed since June of last year, prompting the council to draw up plans for a pilot road safety scheme that would keep this part of the riverside permanently traffic free.

The consultation on whether or not the pilot scheme should be made permanent comes to a close on Tuesday, 14 May

Jenny Yates, Wandsworth’s Cabinet Member for Transport said: “This part of the Embankment has essentially been closed to vehicles on and off for the past three years and local people have told us how much they enjoyed having a traffic free area next to the river.

“Given the positive feedback received about those temporary arrangements, we have put a pilot scheme in place keeping this part of the Embankment free from traffic.

“It’s important local people have their say which is why we are urging them to take part in the consultation. Their feedback will help determine whether or not this pilot scheme is kept as a permanent feature.”

The consultation centres on the stretch of Putney Embankment between the Lower Richmond Road and Thames Place.