Trial initiative aims to cut congestion and improve pedestrian safety in Tooting Bec

Published: Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The council is about to introduce a temporary pilot scheme designed to reduce congestion, enhance pedestrian safety and improve driver behaviour in Tooting Bec.

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Parking changes for the pilot scheme

A trial initiative is to be introduced in Elmbourne Road later this month in response to requests from residents who are concerned about road conditions and safety in this part of the borough.

Elmbourne Road is a busy route that runs alongside Tooting Bec Common and suffers from congestion and regular conflict between drivers.

The pilot scheme – which will be in operation for one month – will involve some temporary parking suspensions in Elmbourne Road to improve pedestrian visibility and provide safe spaces for vehicles to pass each other.

The proposals also include the potential introduction of a zebra crossing close to the junction with Louisville Road to provide a safe crossing point for pedestrians, which also forms part of the consultation. 

The changes to parking would mainly be between Huron Road and Tooting Bec Road, but some will also be introduced between Bedford Hill and Bushnell Road. These changes would operate at the same time as the existing parking controls in Elmbourne Road so would only apply Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm. 

These changes will come into effect on Monday, 20 May and remain in place for one month. During this time local residents and businesses will be able to give feedback on the merits of the scheme and whether it should be made permanent, via a public consultation on the council’s website.

Depending on the feedback received from local residents and businesses, the trial scheme may be extended, amended or withdrawn after one month.

Cabinet member for Transport Jenny Yates said: “The council has already introduced a series of measures to improve pedestrian safety and limit the impact of traffic in this neighbourhood and this has resulted in a 30 per cent reduction in vehicles travelling along Elmbourne Road.

“But it’s clear from conversations with local residents that there is still room for additional measures to make it safer for pedestrians crossing from the common, reduce traffic queues and improve driver behaviour.

“It’s really important that local people tell us what they think of these changes, so I would urge them to take part in the consultation and help us deliver the right scheme for this part of Tooting Bec.”

The consultation will commence on Monday, 20 May. To take part please visit where there is also a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section.

Comments can also be submitted by email to