Help us map Wandsworth’s special places
Published: Thursday, October 24, 2024
From quirky house frontages to local parks, post boxes or street signs, our borough is packed with special buildings and assets of interest. Ahead of Wandsworth’s year as the Mayor of London’s London Borough of Culture 2025, we’re asking residents to tell us about the local treasures they love.
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Not only do we want to find out more about local places already listed as having special heritage value but we’d also like you to send in new suggestions for any sites which you think should be officially added to our Local List of Heritage Assets.
To gather your views we’ve opened an interactive online map for you to drop a pin to nominate new sites or provide more information on existing listed sites. Any new information, historic photographs or maps are welcome to help provide more detailed descriptions of the existing locally listed assets.
View the online map on our Commonplace website and pin your suggestion using the 'Have your say' button.
Councillor Kemi Akinola, Wandsworth Cabinet Member for Culture, said: “This is a wonderful way to celebrate our local buildings, structures and landscapes which are not listed at national level but are important to the people and communities of the borough. I know that listing local assets can provide reassurance that your local community space is valued so we’d love to hear about hidden gems that mean something to you.”
The online consultation is open until 28 February 2025.
Your suggestions can consider:
- The age of the building, place or asset as that could be important
- Is it rare compared to other things in the area?
- Is it distinctive in its design or style and how it matches the local area?
- Is it linked with other buildings or assets by the way it looks, is designed or its history?
- Does the building, place or asset have old or new written records that tell us about it?
- Is it associated with local or national history or important people or events?
- Does it have archaeological interest, for example could it hold evidence of past human activity for an expert to investigate?
- Is it a park, garden or landscape that has been specially designed?
- Is the place or building known as a landmark in the area or does it stand out because it looks impressive?
- Is the building or asset part of the local identity because it helps people feel connected to the area and each other?

About Wandsworth’s Local List
The borough’s Local List of Heritage Assets (Local List) is managed by the council. It is separate from the National Heritage List for England which is maintained by Historic England.
Find out more about our Local List on the Wandsworth Council website