Wandsworth hosts another successful residents’ conference
Published: Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Council tenants and leaseholders make up around one third of Wandsworth residents. We want to encourage these residents to have an active role in shaping their own communities.
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Last week (Wednesday 23 October) we held our third annual Residents’ Conference, which was the best attended to date.
Simon Hogg, Leader of Wandsworth Council, said:
“The residents’ conference is a key part of our year at Wandsworth Council. We are a listening council and always we want to hear from and engage with our residents. Every year, the conference is a fantastic opportunity for residents to get involved and take part in workshops and training.”
The conference is an opportunity for residents to meet and hear from Councillors and Senior Officers within the council, as well as attend workshops, training and consultation exercises.
Community groups across the borough also attended, giving residents the opportunity to speak to them about how they support their local community, and to network with their peers.
In his introductory speech, Aydin Dikerdem, Cabinet Member for Housing, said:
“One of our biggest aims is to increase the level of participation. Our formal participation structures have proven to be very effective, but the informal structures are just as important. They are the heart in which positive change and influence can happen.”
One resident that attended commented:
“I thought the entire event was a huge success. It was wonderful to see the engagement that the event created and everyone who was involved should be very proud of the success.”
The conference included a talk from the council’s London Borough of Culture team. From April 2025 – March 2026, Wandsworth is The Mayor of London’s London Borough of Culture. From Roehampton to Battersea, Tooting to Putney, we are preparing to stage a spectacular year where every corner of the borough comes alive in an explosion of creativity.
Our cultural programme is being created with local people and organisations, with free events for everyone.
Sign up to get the latest news on Wandsworth’s plans for London Borough of Culture 2025.