Dover House Estate area - Parking consultation

We asked residents and businesses in the Dover House Estate area for their views about the possible introduction of a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ).


The Council has listened to local concerns including a petition about difficulties finding a parking space. We know that the problems are caused by a number of factors including commuter and long-stay parking by non-residents. The petition asked the Council to undertake a consultation about the possible introduction of a CPZ in this area. View a plan of the consultation area.

The aim of a CPZ is to prioritise parking for residents, their visitors and businesses by deterring commuter and other long-stay parking by non-residents and to have a positive effect on local parking and traffic conditions.

For more information, read our guidance about how a CPZ works.


The consultation opened on Monday 27 February 2023 and closed on Sunday 26 March 2023.

The consultation has now closed.

View or download a copy of the letter to residents or the questionnaire.

Results and decision

Summaries of the results and our decision:

  • Of the 1450 properties consulted, responses were received from 541 households - a response rate of 37% of households which is considered good
  • In response to the main question – “Do you agree or disagree that a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) should be introduced in your area?”, 317 households (59%) indicated ‘Disagree’, 210 households (39%) indicated ‘Agree’ and 14 households (3%) indicated ‘Don’t know / No opinion’
  • Residents were invited to provide the reasons for their response to the main question above. The most popular reason provided by 229 (42%) respondents was “I have a car and don’t want to pay for a permit”, with the second most popular reason indicated by 207 (38%) respondents being “Visitors/non-residents need to be able to park

A report taking into account all relevant factors was considered by our Transport Committee at their meeting on Thursday 21 September 2023. The Transport Committee agreed that given the consultation results, a CPZ should not be introduced in the area at this time.  Our Executive at their meeting on Monday 25 September 2023 approved the decision not to introduce a CPZ within the Dover House Estate area.

View the Transport Committee report.

View the consultation results and decision letter delivered to residents.

What happens next

In response to concerns about obstructive parking at junctions and on bends being dangerous, officers will now undertake an investigation throughout the consultation area to identify locations where yellow line restrictions are necessary.  We will keep any additional restrictions to the minimum lengths required to ensure road safety and to maintain access.

We will also be carrying out an inspection to identify abandoned vehicles and will take action as appropriate to remove them.  If you suspect a vehicle has been abandoned or is in a dangerous/unroadworthy condition, please report it online or by email, providing the vehicle details and location to

Officers will also contact Queen Mary's Hospital and Roehampton University to discuss with them whether they can make further provision for staff parking.


To find out more, email