Clapham South and Balham CPZ - H2 one-hour review

We asked residents and businesses whether they would wish to see the operational hours of the CPZ increased in this area.  


Following the receipt of a petition from residents of Hendrick Avenue and correspondence/comments from other residents in the H2 One-hour sub-zone reporting problems with non-resident parking outside the existing operational hour, we asked all residents in the H2 One-Hour sub-zone for their views on the possibility of extending the operational hours from the current times of 10.30am to 11.30am to 9.30am to 5.30pm, but to retain the existing operational days, Monday to Friday.  


The consultation opened on Monday 20 January 2020 with a closing date of Friday 14 February 2020. The consultation is now closed.

Following reports from residents in certain roads about not receiving the consultation documents, we posted out these documents again to Ramsden road, Ravenslea Road, Rusham Road and Sudbrooke Road. Any residents who may have previously received the documents and completed and returned the paper or online survey were asked to ignore this and recycle the documents.  

The closing date was extended to Friday 20 March 2020.

The consultation has now ended.

For reference purposes only:


Officers will make their own visits to the area to make an assessment of the parking conditions.


The results were reported to the Strategic Planning and Transportation Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 22 September, and recommendations approved by the Executive on 5 October 2020. View the report and full results here (Item 5).

A summary of the responses to the key questions over the whole area are below:

Of the 3313 consultation letters delivered, 1,163 were returned. This represents a response rate of 35% of households. 

Q5: Would you prefer to retain the CPZ’s existing operational days/hours or change them?

940 (81%) retain, 217 (19%) change

Q6: What days do you think the CPZ should operate?

Retain existing (Monday to Friday) 1,077 (93%), Change to Monday to Saturday 82 (7%)

Q7: What hours do you think the CPZ should operate?

Retain existing (10.30 to 11.30am) 948 (82%), Change to 9.30am to 5.30pm 209 (18%)

The responses to the key questions in specific roads are below:

  • Majority support to re-designate the operational hour to all-day (9.30am to 5.30pm) in Hendrick Avenue, Morella Rd and Clavering Avenue, but to retain the existing days, Monday to Friday.
  • Granard Road did not support any change (67% in favour of retaining the existing days/hours).


Extending the controls from one-hour to all-day in Hendrick Avenue and Morella Road but retaining one-hour controls in Granard Road is likely to result in displacement parking in Granard Road. We have approved the following:

  • Change the operational hours to Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5.30pm in Hendrick Avenue, Morella Road and Granard Road (the latter subject to some further consultation).
  • All bays would become shared-use allowing either H2 permit holders or visitors using pay by mobile phone (4-hour maximum stay) facilities to park.
  • Residents in these roads to receive a further letter containing information on arrangements regarding resident visitor permits. There will be no need to change the resident permit.
  • Since it is not policy to make changes in single roads, no changes are planned in Clavering Place.

Granard Road

In October/November 2020 we invited residents of Granard Road to email us if they strongly objected to the introduction of all-day controls in Granard Road. Objections were subsequently received from 10 households in Granard Road. Since this is not a majority of households in the road, we wrote to all households in Granard Road again on 8 January 2021 to provide a final opportunity for residents to express a preference. This further consultation closed on Friday 29 January 2021.

The results are as follows:

We received 10 in favour of extending the hours to 9.30am to 5.30pm, and 11 against. The option to extend the hours does not represent the majority view of separate households to have responded to this final consultation. The present operational hours (10.30am to 11.30am) will remain unchanged in Granard Road.


The operational hours were extended to 9.30am to 5.30pm in Hendrick Avenue and Morella Road on Monday 26 April 2021, under an Experimental Traffic Management Order (TMO). This allowed us to monitor the effectiveness of the all-day controls including any impact on parking conditions in Granard Road.

View letters sent to residents:


There was a statutory six-month period following implementation allowing comments or observations to be submitted which had to be considered when determining whether any changes should be made to the scheme.

Operational review and further consultation in Granard Road

As no objections were received from residents of Hendrick Avenue or Morella Road during the first six-month period to 26 October 2021 and the extended hours have improved parking conditions in these roads, the arrangements will be made permanent.

View the Hendrick Avenue and Morella Road TMO Notification letter.

A further consultation with residents of Granard Road was undertaken to seek their views about whether the operational hours in Granard Road should be changed to 9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday (the same as in Hendrick Avenue and Morella Road).

The consultation opened on Monday 28 November 2022 and closed on Sunday 15 January 2023.

View a paper copy of the Granard Road Review letter and questionnaire:

Results of further consultation in Granard Road

A summary of the consultation results are provided below:

  • All 38 households in Granard Road and nine households in Bolingbroke Road were consulted. Responses were received from 12 households in Granard Road and one household in Bolingbroke Grove giving a response rate of 28%
  • In response to the key question – “Would you prefer to retain the existing one-hour of control or change to All-day controls”, three households (23%) supported retaining the existing one-hour of control and 10 households (77%) in Granard Road indicated a preference to change to All-day controls operating 9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday

It was noted that all responses in support of extending the operational hours of the scheme were from Granard Road with the sole response from Bolingbroke Grove not supporting a change in hours. The section of Bolingbroke Grove within the H2 sub-zone does not have any parking bays and is subject to yellow line waiting restrictions. Additionally, most of the properties consulted on Bolingbroke Grove have access to off-street parking, so are less likely to be affected by the parking difficulties in Granard Road.


Having considered the results of the consultation exercise, approval was obtained to re-designate the parking controls in Granard Road to H2 permit holder / Pay by mobile phone bays operating from 9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday.

View a copy of the notification letter sent to residents.


The H2 All-day controls (9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday) in Granard Road became operational on Monday 3 July 2023.


For any enquiries, please email