Avoca Road, Tooting - review of parking bay layout

We asked residents for their views on proposals to relocate parking from the footway onto the carriageway.


Following the receipt of a petition from residents of Avoca Road in 2019 and requests from ward councillors requesting the introduction of traffic calming measures to reduce vehicle speeds and for the partial footway parking bays to be relocated fully into the carriageway, officers designed a proposed revised layout.

Whilst the proposed design included new passing places, to enable vehicles including emergency services and other larger vehicles to pass each other, the repositioning of the parking bays from partial footway to fully within the carriageway, is expected to result in an increase in the total number of parking spaces. 

As many as 13 additional car spaces are estimated to be made available as well as providing additional footway width for pedestrians and having a traffic calming effect.


The Council asked for your views or comments before requesting the necessary approval to amend the Traffic Management Orders governing the existing yellow line waiting restrictions and parking places. 

The consultation opened on Monday 20 January 2020 and closed on Friday 14 February 2020.


  • Of the 85 consultation documents delivered to households and businesses, 41 responses were received, representing a response rate of 48%. As all the responses received were from Avoca Road addresses, the response rate for Avoca Road (76 addresses) was 54%.
  • Of the 39 responses to question 5, 30 (77%) said they would prefer to retain the existing partial footway bays and 9 (23%) respondents supported the proposal to relocate the bays fully into the carriageway.
  • Taking all relevant factors into consideration, including the outcome of the consultation, the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Transportation has supported officers’ recommendations not to relocate the parking bays into the carriageway.
  • The review process identified a section of single yellow line in front of a redundant vehicular crossover outside number 62 Avoca Road. Officers will therefore arrange for the Traffic Management Order to be amended so that an additional parking space can be provided at this location.

View the full results.


To find out more, email parkingpolicy@wandsworth.gov.uk.