Burfield Close SW17 – Tooting E1 sub-zone parking consultation

Consultation on the possible extension of the Tooting Broadway Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) (E1) into Burfield Close, SW17.

For more information, read our guidance on how a controlled parking zone works


We asked residents of Diprose Lodge and Wilkinson Court Area for their views on the current parking conditions where they live and whether they would support the extension of the Tooting Broadway CPZ (E1) into the highway section of Burfield Close. This followed the receipt of a petition from local residents requesting a CPZ to address parking, access and other problems associated with non-resident parking in Burfield Close.


Residents were asked specifically whether they would like the Tooting Broadway CPZ (E1) implemented in Burfield Close. This would mean that between 9.30am and 5.30pm, Monday to Saturday, only vehicles displaying a valid permit (resident, business or visitor) or pay and display ticket (or paperless equivalent) would be entitled to park in bays to be marked in the remaining sections of the highway. Existing arrangements operating in the estate bays would remain unchanged.


The consultation closed on Monday 5 March 2018.

View the committee report and full results (item 17)

A summary of the results is below:

  • Of the 70 consultation documents delivered, 25 (online and paper) were returned. This represents a response rate of 36% of households.
  • The majority of respondents support the introduction of parking controls (Q3: 72%)


The decision was taken to extend the Tooting Broadway CPZ (E1) into Burfield Close SW17, operating 9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Saturday. 

What happens next

We will write to residents informing them of this decision and again with further details, including how to apply for a permit, once plans for implementing the changes have been finalised. 


To find out more, contact parkingpolicy@wandsworth.gov.uk.