Clapham Junction CPZ C4 one-hour sub-zone parking consultation

We carried out a review of the operational times of the Clapham Junction CPZ C4 one-hour sub-zone in response to a petition from residents.


We asked residents in the Clapham Junction CPZ, C4 one-hour sub-zone, for their views on parking conditions and on extending the CPZ operational times. This followed receipt of a petition from residents in Ballingdon Road, Kyrle Road and Roseneath Road SW11. The petitioners requested the extension to the operating hours and days of the CPZ (currently 9.30am to 10.30pm, Monday to Friday) to operate 9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday in line with the other roads in the C4 sub-zone. The reason for submitting this request was to alleviate current parking difficulties after the controls terminate, due to non-residents parking in the road.


Residents were asked for their views specifically on the possibility of extending the hours/days of control to 9.30am to 5.30pm, or to express a preference for another arrangement or to retain the existing arrangements.


The consultation closed on Monday 5 March 2018.

View the committee report and full results (item 16).

A summary of the results is below: 

  • Of the 860 consultation documents delivered, 389 (online and paper) were returned, representing a response rate of 45% of households
  • Q2 - When asked whether residents were happy with the present parking controls, there were very few responses separating yes and no. Yes - 193 (50%), No - 188 (48%)
  • Q3 - The majority of respondents supported an increase in the operational hours/days. Agree/Strongly agree - 197 (51%), Disagree/Strongly disagree - 181 (47%) 


The decision was taken to increase the operational hours in all roads in the C4 one-hour sub-zone to 9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. 


The C4 1 hour was re-designated to operate 9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday from Monday 11 February 2019.

  • Bays were re-designated from one-hour ‘permit holder only’ to ‘Shared Use’ meaning that both permit holders and visitors using the pay & display/pay-by-mobile facilities (4-hour maximum stay) are entitled to park.
  • Pay and display machines were installed during the first full week of February and the existing signs were replaced from Friday 8 February 2019 to show the new times and type of control.
  • If you already hold a C4 CPZ resident parking permit, there is no need to buy a new one. You should display your permit in the usual way.
  • Visitors needing to park in the C4 sub-zone between 9.30am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday will need to display a pay & display ticket/pay-by-phone or a valid all-day resident visitor permit (scratch-card), paperless visitor permit (PVP) or a trade permit.
  • Disabled Blue badge holders are entitled to park provided they display a valid blue badge.

Download the letter to residents for more information including permit guidance.


To find out more, contact us by email at