Combemartin Road - Southfields CPZ, S4

We asked residents in Combemartin Road whether they wished to have the Southfields CPZ, S4 sub-zone extended to their road.


Following the receipt of a petition from residents of Combemartin Road requesting the inclusion of their road in the Southfields CPZ to improve parking conditions in the area, we undertook a consultation asking all residents in the road for their views. It was proposed that any new controls would form an extension of the existing Southfields CPZ, S4 sub-zone, which operates 1.30pm to 2.30pm Monday to Friday, permit holders only.


The consultation opened on 15 January and closed on Sunday 14 February 2021.

Results and decision

Overview of the consultation:

  • Of the 70 consultation documents delivered, 58 completed surveys were received. This represents a response rate of 83% of households
  • Of the 58 responding to the question, 22 (38%) said they were happy with the present parking conditions, 35 (60%) said they were unhappy
  • Of the 58 responding to the question, 33 (56%) indicated their support for the CPZ, 24 (41%) were against

A report on the outcome of the consultation was presented to the Strategic Planning and Transportation Overview and Scrutiny Committee (16 June 2021) taking into account all relevant highway factors. See item 6.

Recommendations were made to extend the Southfields CPZ S4 sub-zone (operating 1.30 to 2.30pm, Monday to Friday), into Combemartin Road, with a review undertaken after at least 12 months of operation. These recommendations were supported by the committee and approved by the Council's Executive. 


The new parking controls came into operation on Monday 6 December 2021:

  • Parking bays are marked where it is appropriate to park and yellow lines where it is not. View parking layout
  • Between 1.30 and 2.30pm, Monday to Friday, only vehicles displaying a valid S4 CPZ permit (resident, business or visitor) or paperless equivalent are entitled to park
  • Disabled Blue Badge holders are able to park free of charge and without time limit provided they display a valid blue badge

Operational review

An operational review was undertaken in late summer 2023. This identified that the scheme was operating effectively with more parking spaces available for residents and their visitors. The outcome of the review was reported to the Transport Committee on 19 February 2024 (Paper No. 24-58), recommending no changes to be made in Combemartin Road.

How to apply for a CPZ parking permit 

Applications for resident or business parking permits and paperless visitor permits should be made online.

Register for a Parking Account to apply for a permit. 

View Resident parking permits for information on how to apply and what documents are acceptable.

See copy of the notification letter delivered to residents.

More information

For further information see:


To find out more, email