Dover House Estate parking consultation - 2017

Consultation on the possible introduction of a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in Dover House Estate.

For more information, read our guidance on how a controlled parking zone works.


We asked residents in the Dover House Estate Conservation Area for their views on the current parking conditions where they live and whether they would support the introduction of a CPZ. This followed the receipt of a petition from some residents of Crestway and Huntingfield Road requesting a CPZ to alleviate difficulties they experience finding a space due to commuter and long stay parking by non-residents, including staff and patients of Queen Mary’s Hospital and students of Roehampton University.


Residents were asked specifically whether they would like a CPZ implemented in the area and what hours and days it should operate.


The consultation closed on Monday 18 December 2017. 

View the committee report with full results (item 20)

A summary of the results is below:

  • Of the 1411 consultation letters delivered, 391 were returned. This represents a response rate of 28% of households.
  • When asked whether they were happy with the present arrangements, there was only one response separating those who said yes from those who said no: Q2: 182 (47%) said yes, and 181 (46%) said no.
  • The majority of respondents did not support the introduction of a CPZ (Q3: 38% were in favour, 51% were against).


The decision was taken not to progress the proposal to introduce a CPZ in the area.

We will write to residents informing them of this decision. 


To find out more, contact us by email at