Wandsworth Town CPZ W1 parking consultation

We reviewed the operational times of the Wandsworth Town CPZ W1 sub-zone in Sudlow Road and Frogmore, in response to a petition from residents.


We asked residents in Sudlow Road and Frogmore Road, part of the Wandsworth Town CPZ, W1 sub-zone, for their views on parking conditions and on extending the CPZ operational times. This followed receipt of a petition from residents in Sudlow Road SW18. The petitioners requested the extension to the operating hours and days of the CPZ (currently 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday) to operate 8.30am to 6.30pm, Monday to Sunday. The reason for submitting this request was to alleviate current and future parking difficulties after the controls terminate, due to non-residents parking in the road.


Residents were asked for their views specifically on the possibility of extending the hours /days of control to 8.30am to 6.30pm, Monday to Saturday, or whether they would prefer another arrangement including retaining the existing times/days.


The consultation closed on Monday 5 March 2018. 

View the committee report with full results here (item 15)

A summary of the results is below:

  • Of the 167 consultation documents delivered, 53 (online and paper) were returned. This represents a response rate of 32% of households
  • The majority of respondents from the two roads support increasing the operational times/days (Q3: 75%)
  • The majority of respondents over both roads favoured Monday to Saturday controls (Q4: 70%)
  • The majority of respondents over both roads supported extending the times to 8.30am to 6.30pm (Q5: 72%)


The decision was taken to increase the operational hours in Sudlow Road and Frogmore only to 8.30am to 6.30pm, Monday to Saturday. 

What happened next

These changes were applied to all parking bays and single yellow line waiting restrictions from Monday 10 December 2018.


To find out more, email parkingpolicy@wandsworth.gov.uk.