Our locally listed buildings, parks and gardens

We hold a list of buildings that are of architectural or historical interest at a local level.

What is Local Listing

A locally listed building is a building or structure which is not statutorily listed, but is recognised for its significance to the history and character of the local environment. Within Wandsworth, this designation also extends to parks and landscapes of local importance.

These are not subject to the same controls as statutory listed buildings which are listed by the government, but their significance is nonetheless a material consideration in the planning process.

The earliest local list in the borough was produced in 1983 and contained around 500 entries. It has since been added to over the years with the last big review in 2018.

View map of the locally listed buildings and heritage.

Criteria for Local Listing

In order to be included on the Local List, a building, landscape or structure needs to be meet a certain criteria which has been prepared as part the Historic Environment Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

These criteria were adopted in 2016 and are informed by the Local Heritage Listing guidance provided by Historic England. See the criteria below:

  1. Age: The age of an asset may be an important criterion and the age range can be adjusted to take into account distinctive local characteristics  
  2. Rarity: Appropriate for all assets, as judged against local characteristics
  3. Aesthetic value: The intrinsic design value of an asset relating to local styles, materials or any other distinctive local characteristics
  4. Group value: Groupings of assets with a clear visual, design or historic relationship
  5. Evidential value: The significance of a local heritage asset of any kind may be enhanced by a significant contemporary or historic written record
  6. Historic value: The significance of a local heritage asset of any kind may be enhanced by a significant historical association of local or national note, including links to important local figures
  7. Archaeological interest: This may be an appropriate reason to designate a locally significant asset on the grounds of archaeological interest if the evidence base is sufficiently compelling and if a distinct area can be identified
  8. Designed landscapes: Relating to the interest attached to locally important designed landscapes, parks and gardens
  9. Landmark status: An asset with strong communal or historical associations, or because it has especially striking aesthetic value, may be singled out as a landmark within the local scene
  10. Social and communal value: Relating to places perceived as a source of local identity, distinctiveness, social interaction and coherence; often residing in intangible aspects of heritage contributing to the “collective memory” of a place. To include Heritage assets awarded a commemorative plaque

Public consultation to enhance the Local List

We are currently conducting a public consultation to enhance the borough’s Local List.

As part of this consultation, we are asking your views on why you think the existing buildings, structures and landscapes on the Local List are special. We are also seeking nominations for potential new additions to the local list.

Submit your views and nominations through the online survey.

The consultation runs from Friday 27 September 2024 to Friday 28 February 2025.

You can also respond by: